Active HEAD
Technical Datasheet


  • Light and robust helmet designed for working on ground level or at height
  • 6-point textile suspension harness for enhanced wearer comfort and stability.
  • Size adjustable headband wheel ratchet system
  • 2-point chin strap included
  • Side slots for clip-on ear muff
SKU/Reference Color Carton (L W H) m Carton Weight EAN13 HS Code Country of origin
HD7B Blue 0.55 0.57 0.44 10 kg 7630048218674 6506101000 China
HD7O Orange 0.55 0.57 0.44 10 kg 7630048218681 6506101000 China
HD7W White 0.55 0.57 0.44 10 kg 7630048218667 6506101000 China
HD7Y Yellow 0.55 0.57 0.44 10 kg 7630048218650 6506101000 China


EN 397:2012
This product complies with the European Directive (EU) ??? on Personal Protective Equipment.CE Certificate n° PPE24162727 issued by the INSPEC International B.V. (notified body n ° 2849).
ACTIVE GEAR SA - 58d Route de Chantemerle - 1763 Granges-Paccot - Switzerland