AIR M10 M10

Active AIR
Technical Datasheet


  • Ergonomic design and soft material for improved comfort
  • 4-points attachment that balances the pressure around the seal, eliminating pressure points and guaranteeing excellent stability.
  • Ideal for the protection against both gross and fine dusts, inorganic/organic gases and vapours, acid gases and vapours, and combined gases and dusts.
Latex free
Preformed nose bridge
SKU/Reference Carton (L W H) m Carton Weight EAN13 HS Code Country of origin
M10 0.39 0.3 0.34 2.4 kg 7630048209795 6307909311 Italy


EN 140:1998, CE0426
This product complies with the European Directive (EU) 2016/425 on Personal Protective Equipment.
ACTIVE GEAR SA - 58d Route de Chantemerle - 1763 Granges-Paccot - Switzerland